Saturday, January 22, 2011

if you love Me...

For the past few months one of my prayers has been that the Holy Spirit would not be quiet, but active within me. This past Wednesday, I was sitting outside the church we were leading a service at that night when Danae walked up. We started talking about what the Lord has recently been teaching us. She told me that she asked the Lord to show her new ways to love Him and He answered by showing her John 14:15, “If you love Me, you will obey what I command.”

About an hour later, I was sitting in the second row in the sanctuary listening to some portuguese worship songs. Since I did not know the words to sing along, I began praying. My heart started pounding, I got very emotional and I knew that God was telling me to be ready. I asked Him what was about to happen and He answered with this question: “Do you love Me , Katelyn?”

Mary Michael asked me no more than five minutes later if I would be willing to speak in someone’s place. “We prayed about it and he is not supposed to share tonight, but we think that you are.” I told her that I thought I was supposed to as well.

The service had already started, I had no idea where I had left my Bible and notebook, but the Lord wanted me to speak anyway. I didn’t prepare anything and I don’t really remember what I said. I know I shared part of my testimony, but that’s about it.

Towards the end of the service, I felt the Lord instructing me to stand in the back during the invitation. I wasn’t sure why, but I knew I was supposed to be there for people to come talk to me and if I didn’t go, I was deliberately disobeying. I grabbed Tim, one of our translators and told him to come with me to the back. I am not sure if the Pastor announced that I was back there or not, but it was crazy how fast people began to come up to me. I think I prayed with at least ten people, no breaks or pauses in between. I prayed for many different situations. One lady asked me to pray for her husband who is not a Christian. One man used to be a drug dealer. He had been clean for a year, but was still fighting temptation. Two girls were about to go home to difficult family situations. Hearing these stories was so humbling, and I think I was just as rewarded as they were to be able to pray with these people.

Brazil is absolutely beautiful, but I think the people I met that night are even more so. They really are a light to this dark country. I am so glad that I was able to see that. I definitely would have regretted it if I hadn't obeyed.

"if you love Me, you will obey my commands..."

In Him,

Katelyn Meeks


Unknown said...

I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth. 3 John 1:4 Thank you, Jesus!

dojo said...

What an amazing testimony of obedience to God, Katelyn! Praise God! (Abby's mom)

Unknown said...

what an awesome story katelyn! thank you for being obedient to God and thank you for sharing with us what God is doing there.

Kyle said...

POWERFUL. I told you guys to be ready for God to do some work, and I am glad to see that He is faithful in that.