Friday, January 28, 2011

Camp Begins

Camp has officially started! It has a been a great time so far. Church camp for me has always been something I look forward to all year and being able to staff one is such a privilege. I am in a room with nine other sixteen and seventeen year old girls that speak absolutely no english. It has been quite a stretch for many of us because of the language barrier but the Lord is helping us all to overcome it. Last night I was granted the opportunity to preach during the night service. All of us Impact students led the service last night. Serenity gave her testimony and danced, then I preached. I was very nervous because I have never given a sermon before, but the Lord put on my heart what He wanted me to say.

When I was told I was going to preach I sought the lord on what He wanted me to say. I asked one of the staff members at the camp if most of the campers are Christians and she said that they say they are but they do not live it out in their everyday lives. Taking that information the Lord led me to the passage James 1:19-24. The passage talks about do not be the person that looks in the mirror then turns away and forgets what the Lord has taught them. The passage also talks about not just reading the Word but putting it into action. I challenged the students to have the Word planted in their hearts so they will not forget it. I was so thankful that I got the opportunity to preach, the Lord really grew me through the experience. I never thought I could prepare and preach a whole sermon but the Lord will give you what you need when He calls you.
It has been a great experience here and I really believe the Holy Spirit is alive and well in this place! Thank you for all your prayers and I hope this gives you a little insight on how the Lord is working in Porto Alegre. He is doing great things in this city and there is more to come!

God bless,
Torey Mayfield


Randy said...

Torey Mayfield, Praise the Lord for the step of faith in giving the word in James.. The Lord will honor His word.. may you and your team continue to be encouraged in Christ as you share your life in Christ with many... HGA's family

Sherry Saylor said...

Torey-I was so encouraged by your opportunity to share from James--very powerful message! I am praying for you daily for God's strength to flow through you as you share Christ's love with all in the camp. Love and prayers to you, my dear friend---Sherry Saylor

dojo said...

Torey, what an amazing story. Praise God for your obedience to share His word. We continue to pray for your team's influence in His kingdom work while you are at camp. (Abby's mom)

TK ' said...

Torey Mayfield, thanks for your message in PVSul, thanks for the time when the whole team of Impact 360 served there. You are blessed.


turningupturnips said...

Torey... I rejoice with you in God's ability through your availability. I applaud your obedience and praise Him for being the ultimate Promise Keeper. "As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth
and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth:
It will not return to me empty,
but will accomplish what I desire
and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.
You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands. Instead of the thornbush will grow the juniper, and instead of briers the myrtle will grow. This will be for the LORD’s renown,for an everlasting sign, that will endure forever.” -Isaiah 55:10-14

Praying for IMPACT 360 students and staff! Amor to all and also to our Brazilian friends/family.

-Angela Rubenacker
WinShape Camps